Prophetic Words


31/12/23 THE STONY HEARTS & THE PRODIGAL CHURCH! Ezekiel 36:26, I will give you a new heart and put a new spirit inside you; I will take the stony heart out of your flesh and give you a heart of flesh. (CJB) THE STONY HEARTS ! Over the last few months the Lord has...

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14/10/23 IT IS MISSION TIME! A now word. Many of you have been in preparation for a Mission. The preparation has been long, intense, and felt drawn out at times. Some have known that they have been in preparation and have been waiting patiently for Mission time....

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INTERVIEW WITH JEZEBEL! - Dream-July 21, 2023. “But this I have against you, that you tolerate that woman Jezebel, who calls herself a prophetess—yet she is teaching and deceiving My servants to commit sexual immorality and to eat food sacrificed to idols. I gave her...

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WARNING DREAM - EXAMINE THE FOOD On the 1st of July, God gave me a warning dream. I knew this dream was for the body of Messiah. In the dream, I was going to get takeaway food. The kitchen in the restaurant I was ordering from was in the middle of the restaurant,...

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Many in my House have become Judas & Simon the sorcerer!

Galatians 6:7, Don’t delude yourselves: no one makes a fool of God! A person reaps what he sows' Sadly, many will not like this message. I had a few experiences lately that really grieved my spirit. I know this has been going on for a while, but the Lord had really...

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The False Rest

For the last week, I have been drawn to this word I shared back in November 2021. In the last couple of days a few people have also told me that they had been thinking about this word. I felt this was a conformation that we have entered into this, "false rest". When...

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I Kept My Promises! Will You Keep Yours?

Numbers 23:19, “God is not a human who lies or a mortal who changes his mind. When he says something, he will do it; when he makes a promise, he will fulfil it. (CJB) Many in this season have been struggling to hang on, myself included. Some have even thought of...

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There is a Plundering Coming!

Restoring of Spiritual Things Lost in the Battle In the last few years, the battle has been so intense many had lost "SOME THINGS OF THE SPIRIT!". What do I mean by this? Here is an example I experienced. I have always been diligent in seeking Gods thoughts (Thoughts...

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Vision – Books in Heaven

Hi everyone, I had a few visions in July that I now feel to share with you but before I share them, I’m going to start with a few scriptures. The bible talks about different books in Heaven. We all have a book about our lives and then there is the book of life, which...

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Famines, Recessions and Glory

This is a word I have been sitting on for a few months. I have had a few dreams over the last few months and one recently that I feel to share now. This is long but I encourage you to read it as I feel many will relate, receive confirmation, and be blessed. THE BATTLE...

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Darkness is Coming!

What's Coming? Blessings all, I've been praying and seeking the Lord about the current world events. I asked him what's coming and unfortunately, I heard something I didn't want to hear, "Darkness is coming" As much as I don’t want to say this, what we are...

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The False Rest is Lifting!

It has been a crazy couple of years. As evil is increasing in the world the enemy has up his antics against those who have been diligently seeking the Lord in this time of False rest. Sadly, many have fallen into this false rest believing that all has calmed down and...

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